Took me awhile… but: tweet tweet…

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It took me long enough… but I’m Tweeting now…

My username is @vincentlaforet (yes…spent a lot of time thinking of that one…)

Some of you may know that I SWORE that I would never tweet… then I realized it could actually be pretty cool.

This blog is great – but I don’t post as often as I’d like to.   Facebook – is a disaster.  I never have time to check it (truth be told, I have over 900 friend requests – problem is:  every time I accept one friend – I get 12 suggestions – and it takes forever to go down the list… does anyone know how to “accept all?” As silly as that excuse is – that’s pretty much why I ran away from Facebook close to 9 months ago…)

OK – so here goes something else.   For the record:  I resisted blogging at first as well.  As much of an “early adopter” that I am in terms of cameras and new technology (I should have named my kids Beta and NDA given how often I hear those words!)   I’ve always resisted ‘social’ internet trends for some reason…

That being said – I’ve been enjoying reading many of the tweets of those I follow (see my twitter page for a list of people that I’m following) and a few friends finally got me to take the plunge.

If anything – tweeting may allow me to be a bit more liberal about what I share… NDA’s don’t really exist in the twitter sphere do they?  😉

Pls post your twitter addresses in the comments below – always looking for cool people/things to follow!