Directing Motion Australia Is LIVE! July 2015 Sydney & Melbourne.

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Thanks to incredible support by RODE Microphones and Atomos, I’m EXTREMELY excited to announce I’ll be traveling to Australia next month to deliver brand new, 2 day Sydney and Melbourne ‘Directing Motion’ workshops that aim to raise the bar from the successful US tour in 2014.


Sydney Workshop details and tickets – click here

Melbourne Workshop details and tickets – click here




Last year, I hit the road with MZed, and delivered the Directing Motion tour to over 3500 attendees across more than 30 cities in the US. It was an incredible experience, and we had a truly international audience with people flying in from all around the world to attend, and extremely positive feedback across the board. Without a doubt, the number one question I have received since then has been, “When are you taking Directing Motion international?”.

The two most requested countries have been the UK and Australia. Thanks to Philip Bloom and his Shadow and Light workshop earlier this year, I got the opportunity to deliver some of the concepts from Directing Motion to a UK audience. It was a fantastic event, I hope to be back there soon to deliver more of the experience.

Now, I get the opportunity to bring the full Directing Motion experience, PLUS an even more extended practical program, to Australia.




The main focus I wanted to build into this next iteration of Directing Motion is separation between the theoretical and real-world examples of my own commercial career that I will discuss, AND the practical work that goes into the construct, shoot and edit of a particular piece. It was very obvious that not everyone who attended Directing Motion was a film maker, or even a photographer. Some people just were deeply interested in cinema and the analysis behind camera moves. I want to make sure that I can cover the full spectrum, from those who are full time professionals and those who are just curious about why their favorite directors shoot and produce work in the way that they do.

This is why I’ve decided to offer up a 2 day workshop – with the option to attend either Day 1 or Day 2, or for those quick enough, a chance to grab a combo ticket at a reduced price for entry to both.

Day 1 will focus on the theory behind how, when and most importantly why we move the camera, as well as how we direct the action in front of the lens. It is a complete stand-alone presentation that takes you through all of the theory from the Directing Motion workshop, including my own experiences with some of the biggest commercial jobs I’ve delivered over the years. If you’re a photographer yet to explore the world of motion, Day 1 will be a perfect way to become familiar with the concepts that we use in the world of motion.

Day 2 is a new component focusing on the practical side, where I’ll take you through an entire day of how I plan, manage, shoot and edit a job that will highlight a local artist that we’ll showcase through a short film. We’ll be using REDs, MoVIs, sliders, cinema glass – it really promises to be a very fun day, and one which I know we’ll all learn from with the focus firmly on how the practical elements we go through can apply to your own work and projects.

My main motivation for you attending either day – whether you’re a photographer or film maker – is to simply be able to apply the learning directly to your own work as quickly as possible. Whether it’s a narrative piece, a wedding, a corporate shoot or a commercial spot, I want you to feel you’ve got a better grasp of why you are moving the camera – and critically – how best to engage and keep the attention of your audience through your work, which is the number one challenge we ALL face today, in the distraction age, where attention spans are measured in seconds.

It was a couple of years ago when I was last in Australia and I am EXTREMELY excited to be returning. I hope to meet as many of you as I can while I’m out there. More info can be found on the workshop site.





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