U.S.A. Wins First Gold Medal in Men’s Basketball in Eight Years
For those of you that are just waking up in the U.S., The “Redeem Team” won gold today against Spain while you were sleeping. It was the NBA’s—I mean Team U.S.A.’s—first gold medal since the 2000 in Sydney. I must admit I wasn’t expecting much action or reaction at the conclusion of this game, but boy was I wrong. It was a pretty good game, and I’ve rarely seen such excitement out of NBA players even at the end of an NBA Final. Spain gave them a good run, and early on they were ahead, but at no point did I see Team U.S.A. break that much of a sweat—they just played solid basketball and had great performances from Dwayne Wade, Kobe Bryant and LeBron James. It was a real treat to see those three and their teammates so genuinely excited at the conclusion of the game and when they received their medals. I’m at the closing ceremonies and getting ready for that—so I’ll just drop a few quick pictures in for now.
Now that the Gold Metal has come back to the U.S., the debate begins, who is better team: The 1992 Dream Team or this years Redeem Team? You decide. 🙂
This is a great blog. I never realized how cool PJ can be. I wanted to ask you about the 8th frame of Kobe jumping behind Wade and another player. I guess its lack of experience on my part but the first thing that comes to mind is I could never get that picture while using the auto focus settings. The back of Wade would be the closest and thus the focused subject. Manual focus seems like such high stakes to get a sharp image. Could you walk me through on how you can catch a fleeting moment like that? Auto focus activation button to lock and shoot? Thanks again!
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Vincent Laforet Reply:
April 29th, 2011 at 8:27 pm
Appreciate the kind words very much!