Push/Pull Moves with Kessler Gear

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How to Do Push Pull Moves Using Kessler Gear – Full Length from Preston Kanak on Vimeo.

For all of my productions that involve time-lapse, I have always utilized Kessler gear.  Because these rigs are motorized and have built in controls that allow you to execute a certain move over a specific amount of time, they are perfect for time-lapse.  However, they are also incredibly useful for push and pull moves in real time, which can add a ton of production to your piece. The above video was put together by Preston Kanak from "3 Minute Shorts".  He does a great job of explaining how to use Kessler systems in this manner, and how to best work around the issues these types of moves present, such as seeing the track in your shot.  It’s an enlightening video for those of you who have seen me talk about Kessler Gear, but not been a time-lapse shooter.  You can check out all out all of this gear on the Motion Control portion of my gear page.

Huge thanks to Preston Kanak for such a great video and his pretty incredible BTS video work at Masters in Motion late last year in Austin – the man clearly subscribes to the adage:  "I’ll sleep when I die!"


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