My Gear: Timelapse and Motion Control
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Solutions for Motion Control that include Kessler’s elektraDRIVE system, which can be paired with the various sliders listed on the JIBS and SLIDERS page. These motors and controllers work using internal, computerized parameters and are controlled with hardware interfaces that manipulate these parameters over an Ethernet cable connection.
With the Epic, for timelapse and slow dolly moves, which would you recommend – Cineslider or Shuttle Pod System? How many people would you need to carry all the equipment into remote locations (unaccessible by car)?
Thanks for sharing all of your experience,
Vincent Laforet Reply:
June 23rd, 2011 at 10:23 pm
Both the Cineslider and Shuttle Pod system work w/ the Epic just fine – Tome Lowe uses the Cineslider w/ his Epic extensively. He carries the whole thing himself (and so do I) with or without two small tripods. You can do the same with a second person (or two trips) with the larger Shuttle Pod System. When you start to add the revolution head or heavier lenses – you need to go to the Shuttle Pod.
@Vincent Laforet, Thanks for the clarification of duties between the two systems.
Do you use the REVOLUTION Pan and Tilt Head System for booming up with your crane and an additional one for moving the camera? Or how did do you control your crane movement on a motion control timelapse shot?
Thanks for this blog!!! It’s awesome, and your work too;)
Vincent Laforet Reply:
August 27th, 2011 at 12:17 am
No just one on the camera. The other is simply a motor pulling against a counterweight – very primitive but it works (as long as there is no heavy wind..) Eric’s next system will be far superior…
@Vincent Laforet, cool, thanks
Hi, I´d like to know how noisy are the motors to work with sound recording. I´d like to have the shuttle pod and revolution head for motion control, but I fear in the case of sound recording. Is there anyway to put something like a barney to silence the motors if they are a little bit noisy. Thanks for your attention…
what is name of iPhone app, You’re used to lacate Milky Way?
Vincent Laforet Reply:
November 29th, 2011 at 10:24 pm
@Vincent Laforet, thanks fot Your answer.
another question, I have some problem with white balance, I think often photos are too warm, do You have Your favorit, most time used, custom profile? (color tone, saturation, sharpness) in camera (for example 5D)?
Vincent Laforet Reply:
December 3rd, 2011 at 9:22 am
For photos or video? In photos I shoot RAW and leave on AWB – and correct in software. For video 5000K-5500K is often used.
anyone could tell me what automatic motorized pan and tilt head I should get for DSLR size camera(5Dm2)?
link please.
thank you
Vincent Laforet Reply:
March 2nd, 2012 at 7:58 pm
Kessler Revolution head – listed in this section
@Vincent Laforet,
thank you Vincent.
Vincent Laforet Reply:
March 3rd, 2012 at 11:00 am
You’re welcome!
Vincent, how do you distribute the power from your Bescor 12v battery to the camera and motor? I too am looking for a portable battery solution as I’ll be filming in remote regions of Guatemala and need something to last at least 10 hours and power the Kessler motor and camera.
Vincent Laforet Reply:
March 6th, 2012 at 12:15 pm
The battery only powers the Kessler unit. We use a Swixtronix for the camera listed in the gear pages…
@Vincent Laforet, Ok, gotcha. Guess I was reading the Kessler comments as well thinking you ran everything off that battery. Excellent, thanks for the response!
you know if it possible to loop a prog on oracle remote with 2.06 .8 SL firmwear
Hey Vincent!
Just wanted to ask if you have any advice for editing together a timelapse video, such as which settings you like to use and anything else you would like to throw out there.
Vincent Laforet Reply:
November 5th, 2012 at 9:19 am
We’ll do a post on that in a month or so – it can be quite complex. We use After Effects- but you can use Quicktime as well to keep it simple of course.
@Vincent Laforet, Thank you for your response! Will keep an eye out for it! Huge fan of your work!
Hi Vincent,
Thank you for the motivation and inspiration ever since Reverie! That was a total game changer for me. Do you have any plans on updating your gear page with more recent moco time-lapse gear after this year’s NAB?
Vincent Laforet Reply:
April 6th, 2013 at 3:41 pm
Yes for sure – but I need help! Simply too much to do w/ MoVI etc…
All of my questions seltaed-thtnks!
Sweetheart, I just wanted to let you know I've tried to read this post but I can't. I suck I know. You are however very special to more people than your realise, and you're far more beautiful than you're probably thinking right now. Inside and out. Yep, having not read this post I may have missed where I think it was going entirely. <3
Estos conejitos están para comérselos!!! Nunca he usado polvos para pudin de vainilla pero me parecen interesantes y esta tarta de Pascua muy rica!!!Unas fotos impresionantes, feliz lunes de Pascua ;O)Un beso,Palmira
Dommage qu’il n’y en ait que 3.Cela dit, Nana Mouskouri est députée européenne, si je ne me trompe pas.Ca change un peu la portée de la citation.Souvenez-vous aussi du formidable discours de Sarkozy devant le Congrès américain qui donnait à peu près (de mémoire) : « USA, that’s john Wayne, Elvis Presley… » ou quelque chose comme ça.Au fait, ‘ »Je ne remetS jamais au lendemain », mais mettez un S dès aujourd’hui.
Art Directors are the more talented of the two. We're grumpy because we have to drag the writer along kicking & screaming. Eh eh eh eh eh. A good debate. My old writer just directed the new Coldplay video. He's done a not too shabby job of it too. Worth checking out on Youtube.
Zekar31 diciembre, 2008Por los Blogs seguro que le premiarÃan, por la seccion de Preguntas seguro que no porque la calidad de las mismas ha bajado considerablemente esta última semana con tanta pregunta ininteligible.
Hola, mi nombre es Vanessa, mi pueblo de residencia es en Vega Baja.Tengo 3 gatos. Estoy planificando un viaje ahora en el 2013, estoy buscando alternativas para cuido de mis gatitos. Dejeme saber si conoce de alguno en esta area ocerca. Gracias
I wouldn’t recommend using your pinky. Hopefully, you’ll want to progress from just playing these shapes, and using your pinky on the A shape barre will tie your fingers up and limit what you can do at a later date. It’s not a good habit to get into, because you’ll have to change it when you do move on. It’s not easy to play these at first, but stick at it, it will come,? and you’ll be glad you learned the shape Justin is showing you. Hope that helps.