My Gear: Accessories

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Because many of today’s cameras and video cameras are built to be light-weight, and with a plug-and-play quality right out of the box, they are not equipped with the various, heavy-duty mounting points that you will need for many of your accessories.  These cages provide an exo-skeleton for your camera that gives your numerous options to customize your rig with your favorite accessories.


In order to shoot at the desired aperture setting you’d like, or to just get a more interesting look for your film in-camera, you will need to use a variety of filters.  There are a variety of screw on filters that achieve exposure effects, but some of the more nuanced filters that affect the look of your image require square/rectangular filters and a mattebox in front of the lens to hold them.


As you move into the world of cinema and MANUAL FOCUS, you will want tools that help you achieve fine focus and also allow you to artistically throw focus wherever you want.


This is an assortment of different accessories that mount to your camera rig, primarily on the rails that run the length of your rig.  You will find different mounting solutions, counterweights, and more in this section.


Sometimes you need to trigger your camera remotely, whether it is for a time-lapse shot or your camera is mounted somewhere high above your head.  These tools provide different ways to achieve this for a variety of applications.